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Table 3 Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) Exercise Prescription Supplement Overview

From: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS): a systematic review of anatomy and potential risk factors

Dynamic Warm-Up

General dynamic warm-up designed by the strength coach or certified athletic trainer.

Sample Dynamic Warm-up:

High-Knee March, Toe Jogging, Straight Leg Jogging, "Butt-Kickers", High Knee Skip, Side-Shuffles, Forward Lunge-Walk, High Knee Run, Increasing Intensity 65%–100% 10 yd sprints)

PFPS Stretches

Thomas Test Stretch/Single Leg Sprinter Stretch


Ely Test Stretch/Prone Quadriceps Stretch


Ober Test Stretch


Supine Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) Gastrocnemius Stretch


Supine AIS Dorsiflexion Hamstring Stretch


Supine AIS Plantarflexion Hamstring Stretch


Long AIS Adductors Stretch


Four Point Stretch


Hip Internal Rotation


Hip External Rotation


Figure-of-Four Stretch


Lying Iliotibial (IT) Band Stretch


Seated Iliotibial (IT) Band Stretch

Power Exercise

Box Jumps/Resisted Squat Jumps

Multi Joint

40 deg Knee Flexion Squat/60 deg Knee Flexion Leg Press


Forward Lunge/Step-Ups

Isolation Hamstrings

Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)/Back Extension

Isolation Quadriceps

Bridges/Closed Kinetic Chain Terminal Knee Extensions

Isolation Hip Abductors/Adductors

Manual Resistance (MR) or Thera-band Hip Abductor/Adductor

  1. *Based on research by T.R. Baechle 1995, T.F. Tyler 2006, B.B. Phillips 1998, C.E. Cook 2007, W.E. Prentice 2001, M.B. Roush 2000, K. Crossley 2002, N. Curtis 1995, J. McConnell 2007, and A.L. Mattes 2006.